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7 Useful Tips To Increase Focus & Concentration

7 Useful Tips To Increase Focus & Concentration

7 Useful Tips To Increase Focus & Concentration

What is concentration?

Controlling one's attention requires concentration. It is the capacity to concentrate on a single concept, object, or subject while blocking out all other irrelevant thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

Our everyday activities are dominated by logging on and off of our computers and mobile devices. WhatsApp, email, Telegram, and the half-dozen other apps that are somehow essential to our job constantly flood us with messages. In order to complete our daily tasks or find solutions to our problems, we look for information constantly.

Constant interruptions reduce productivity. The task takes longer to complete. We are not as attentive. With our partner or with coworkers, we don't understand things as well, which leads to misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and conflict. Memory is impacted. Our personal lives and professional reputation are impacted when we forget things or have trouble recalling information quickly.

Factors affecting concentration

On some days, it feels like there are constant attempts to distract us. In actuality, both internal and exterior, or environmental, factors influence concentration. Understanding what's currently interfering with focus and memory might help you learn how to improve these skills.


In the course of doing anything, we are constantly inundated with new and outdated information. According to research, the mere sight of our smartphone causes our capacity to focus to become impaired because our brains are so wired for this distraction. We continually evaluate the information to determine if it is necessary, sufficient, or meaningless. Our evaluation of whether we genuinely need additional knowledge to make judgments is clouded by the sheer volume of information flowing in.

Inadequate slumber.

Lack of sleep has been linked to decreased attentiveness, slower mental processes, and poorer attention, according to scientists. You can become disoriented and find it harder to concentrate. Your capacity to carry out tasks, particularly those that require reasoning or logic, may be negatively impacted as a result. Your focus and memory are further impacted by chronically bad sleep.

Inappropriate levels of exercise.

Have you ever noticed how engaging in vigorous exercise makes you feel more calm and energised all day? Your muscles may tighten up if you don't engage in any physical activity. Your neck, shoulder, and chest might feel tight, and such a persistent, mild discomfort can impair your ability to focus.

Eating patterns.

What we eat affects how we feel throughout the day, including how alert and clear our minds are. Memory loss, weariness, and lack of attention are just a few of the symptoms we start to face if we don't give our brains the right nutrition. Because the brain requires specific necessary fatty acids, low-fat diets can impair concentration. Other restrictive diets may impair attention by depriving the brain of the nutrients it requires or by causing hunger, desires, or physical unwellness in the body, all of which are distracting in and of themselves.


Depending on what you are doing, the environment can affect your focus. Obviously, a noise level that is too loud is a problem, but many people also have difficulty concentrating when it is too quiet. It isn’t just the overall noise level but the type of noise that matters: the high-energy, anonymous hum of a coffee shop might bring focus while the overheard conversation of two co-workers derails it. A favourite song quickly has you singing along, happily distracted, while less distinct instrumentals might keep you attuned to the task. Lighting that is too bright or too dim can affect your vision. A room that is too hot or too cold creates discomfort.

Ways To Improve Brain Power and Concentration

Fit in some exercise a few times a week

Exercise helps us become more physically fit, but it can also aid in the improvement of our cognitive health. You may make the connections between brain cells stronger by exercising, whether it's by jogging, cycling, swimming, or another activity that appeals to you. You should be able to learn more from your lectures and library books as a result of this, which will also help your memory and learning abilities.

It's advised to exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days a week, but if you're just getting started, start out a couple of times a week and gradually increase your frequency. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting bored with your new routine before you've formed a habit.

2. Get creative

As bizarre as it may sound, it has been shown that colouring has the same positive effects on the brain as meditation. If you search online, you can find a vast variety of adult colouring books to suit any interest. If you like to cook, experiment with some new ingredients and recipes. Alternately, if you prefer being outside, set a goal for yourself to learn a new sport. Your brain's overall performance can be significantly impacted by any time you spend using your creativity and trying new things.

3. Stock up on your vitamins and micronutrients

Numerous minerals and vitamins can increase brain power. While vitamin B6, B12, and folate can help to prevent fatigue, a major factor in study procrastination, zinc and iodine can contribute to normal brain cognition. It is crucial to include omega-3 and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), one of its essential fatty acids, in your daily diet because they can support healthy brain function, which is essential for learning.

Eat the following foods to increase your brain power with vitamins and micronutrients:

● Zinc – meat, fish, legumes, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, garlic, nuts and seeds, cereals and dairy

● Iodine – cod, seaweed, turkey, yoghurt, tuna, eggs, strawberries

● Vitamin B6 – pork, chicken, turkey, fish, bread, eggs, vegetables, peanuts, milk and cereals

● Vitamin B12 – meat, fish, dairy and cereals

● Omega-3 – fish, nuts, seeds and egg yolks

Although including all of these vitamins in your diet on a regular basis may seem overwhelming, there are many nutritional supplements that can assist you. Try to start incorporating these vitamins and micronutrients as soon as possible because the advantages can take several weeks to manifest.

4. Socialize

The importance of socialising during your time in college should go without saying, but did you know that it can also improve how well your brain functions? According to research, conversing with someone for even 10 minutes a day can help keep your brain healthy and improve your memory and mental performance.

5. Allow yourself to power nap

Your body needs time to repair and recharge before a new day of learning and studying, so make sure you get enough sleep at night and take a 30-minute power nap during the day.

6. Break out of your daily routine

According to studies, switching up your daily routine even little can assist revitalise your brain and increase your study productivity and efficiency. Try taking a different route to and from school, going shopping somewhere new, or even challenging yourself by locking and unlocking the door while keeping your eyes closed. Be surprise at least once each day, if not more.

7. Try something new

Your brain continues to develop as a result of new experiences, which also facilitates more easily ingesting and storing information. Consider taking up a new sport, learning a foreign language, or mastering a musical instrument. Try your hand at volunteering, visit an exhibition at a nearby museum or art gallery, or, if you have the time, travel somewhere new for a day, a weekend, or a week.


Success in your profession and in life depends on your ability to focus at work. You'll discover that by strengthening your focus, you can do more of the things you value while also feeling better about yourself. Making time for joy and happiness is just as important as completing tasks if you want to lead a fulfilling life.