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How to De-Stress Before Exams

How to De-Stress Before Exams

How to De-Stress Before Exams

Exam anxiety impacts the majority of students in different ways. It's critical to deal with this stress and identify small measures to reduce the risk of burnout. Here are some helpful recommendations for regulars who want to reduce stress and ensure that they can get through test season.

Taking regular breaks is important.

Even the busiest exam schedules will leave some time for a study break. This can include 20-minute breaks throughout your revising day as well as lengthier activities that you might anticipate. Go out to dinner with friends, to the movies, to a concert, or to anything else you enjoy doing in your spare time to divert your attention away from your tests. You will feel more rejuvenated and calm the next time you revise if you take a break from the books.

Don't (always) pay attention to what others have to say.

"Comparison is the thief of joy," as the old saying goes. While it is beneficial to discuss subjects with classmates and to rewrite them together frequently, avoid comparing your revisions to those of others. You're probably doing well, and listening to other people talk about what they've learned will simply stress you out and make you feel like you're not making as much progress as they are. Plus, if they are stressed, it will rub off on you, and you don't need anyone else's worry right now.

Make contact with someone.

If your stress becomes unbearable and is disrupting your daily life, talk to someone about it. Your institution or school should provide a service where you may talk to others about your worries and get more information on how to deal with them. If that is the case).

Set small, even insignificant, daily goals and stick to them. When it comes to creating new habits like exercise, scientific evidence shows that frequency is more significant than intensity.

● Make it a point to work out in a way that you enjoy.

● If you don't appreciate any type of exercise, listen to music, listen to audiobooks, or listen to podcasts while you work out.

● Find a "workout partner." When you have a workout partner, it's much easier to keep to a routine.

Every day, get some sunlight.

Increasing your exposure to sunlight is one strategy to boost your serotonin levels.

Serotonin levels can be kept in a healthy range by getting 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight per day.

If you're going to be out in the sunlight for more than 15 minutes, wear a helmet and apply sunscreen.

Get enough rest.

It's exhausting to sit in front of the books for lengthy periods, and it's not a good study habit. When it interferes with your regular sleeping hours, a study reveals that stress levels rise.

There is a reciprocal relationship between stress and sleep. Stress might make falling asleep more difficult. It can even cause sleep disturbances.

● Getting a good night's sleep, on the other hand, helps to lessen the impacts of stress.

● Follow these suggestions to get a good night's sleep every night:

● Every day, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time. This aids in the synchronization of your body's internal clock and improves the quality of your sleep.

● Even on weekends, avoid sleeping in. Make an effort to maintain a consistent sleep routine. If you had a late night, instead of sleeping in, take a short nap the next day.

● Electronic devices should not be used in the bedroom. The blue light emitted by your electronic gadgets (such as your phone, tablet, computer, and television) is particularly disruptive to sleep.

● Before going to bed, take some time to relax. Turn off all of your electronics an hour before bedtime. Read a book, listen to soothing music, or recall a pleasant memory.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

According to research, when you're anxious, your adrenal glands release cortisol, a stress hormone, to help you cope.

Cortisol, on the other hand, affects blood sugar levels. As a result, the more sugar you consume, the more stressed you will get.

Did you know that what you do first thing in the morning has a greater impact on how your body handles stress than anything else?

This is because your body's blood sugar "clock" is set by what you do when you wake up.

Here are some helpful hints for lowering sugar intake and maintaining a healthy diet:


● Forget to have breakfast.

● Consume high-sugar cereals or confectionery.

● Consume sugary beverages.


● Breakfast should be high in protein. Add eggs, peanut butter, oats, or nuts to the mix.

● 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day are recommended.

● Consume more fish, such as salmon and trout.

Make sure your room and desk area are free of clutter.

Have you ever heard the phrase "a messy desk reflects a crowded mind"?

It turns out that it isn't just something your mother says to make you clean your room. It's correct from a scientific standpoint.

The more cluttered your workstation is, the less you'll be able to focus on studying for the exam. This is because your brain is constantly inundated with distractions.

Physical clutter causes stress by overloading your brain and impairing your capacity to think.

As a result, you must clear your desk and your room. To get organized, do the following:

● Reduce the amount of clutter in your desk as much as possible. Remove anything that doesn't belong, such as photographs, food, and staplers. Move them out of sight or completely out of your room.

● Make use of drawers. Organize your belongings in your drawers or wardrobe. The only items on your desk should be the tools and literature you'll need to finish your present task.

● Clean up your area. Give your workstation and room a thorough cleaning now that you've freed your area.

● Before you leave, make sure you're in good shape. Spend 5 minutes at the end of the day clearing things away so you can start the next day with an uncluttered workstation and mind.

Techniques for time management

According to a study involving students, those who were taught time management strategies had lower levels of exam-related anxiety than those who were not.

Getting enough rest and a good night's sleep is important for effective time management because it makes you feel more invigorated and allows you to concentrate when studying.

You will be less anxious if you manage your time efficiently. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Here are just a handful of the time management strategies I utilized to achieve straight A grades while still obtaining 8 hours of sleep every night:

● After 40 to 50 minutes of studying, take a break. Working in blocks of 40 to 50 minutes allows most students to be as productive as possible.

● Complete tasks at least one to two days ahead of time. You'll have more time to thoroughly inspect your work if you do it this way.

● Set aside time to study. Make a note of it in your calendar and treat it as if it were a scheduled appointment.

Don't try to multitask.

Multitasking is detrimental to one's health. It produces stress and raises your heart rate and blood pressure.

Multitasking may appear to be an efficient way to use your time, but it wastes time and lowers the quality of your work.

Here's how to stay away from multitasking:

● Before you begin working, clear your mind of all distractions.

● All unused tabs in your browser should be closed, and all other windows on your computer screen should be minimized.

● Make a list of all the tasks you need to finish for the day and go through them one by one.

● For each item on the list, set a reasonable timeframe.

For fun, read something.

Reading for enjoyment has been shown to lessen stress by up to 68 percent.

Reading helps to calm your body by reducing your heart rate and releasing muscle tension.

So, the next time you start to feel anxious about an upcoming exam, pick up a nice book and take a 10-minute reading break.

Consider aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy has been shown in studies to have the ability to stimulate emotions and memories, as well as to affect your body through your nervous system.

As a result, aromatherapy is a useful strategy for reducing test stress.

Here are six essential oils or smells to help you relax and sleep better:

● Lavender

● Lemon

● Bergamot

● Ylang ylang

● Clary sage

● Jasmine

These aromatherapy oils have been demonstrated in studies to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and even skin temperature, as well as relieve anxiety by soothing the nervous system.

Make a list of the things that are bothering you.

It has been established that taking a few minutes to write down your anxieties shortly before a test will help you reduce anxiety and enhance your marks.

Before taking the test, students were required to complete a brief expressive writing task.

The findings revealed that completing the writing assignment boosted students' exam performance significantly, particularly those who were previously apprehensive about taking tests.

Writing about your fears before an exam can help you get better scores, so try it before your next one!

Use positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are a wonderful approach to calm yourself down and get rid of exam anxiety.

Positive affirmations have been found in studies to help minimize exam stress by lowering adrenaline levels.

Here are a few positive affirmations to try the next time your stress levels start to rise. Several times a day, say them aloud to yourself:

● I'm sharpening my focus.

● I'm still putting in a lot of effort.

● Exams are becoming easier for me.

● I'm enjoying the learning process.

● I'm determined to do well on this exam.

● This exam will be a breeze for me.

● Learning is both meaningful and enjoyable.

● I'm learning to be self-disciplined.

● Exams provide me with a lot of enjoyment.

Concentrate on progress rather than perfection.

Do you ever have the feeling that you're not good enough? Do you believe you'll never be able to accomplish the objectives you've set for yourself?

If that's the case, you might be a perfectionist.

This is another way of stating you're being too hard on yourself, which indicates you should focus on your accomplishments rather than your perceived shortcomings.

Being a perfectionist may appear to be ideal, yet it frequently leads to needless stress.

Here are some options for dealing with it:

● Celebrate both minor and large victories.

● Make time to do things you enjoy when you're not studying.

● Invest in the relationships that are most important to you.

● Find methods to contribute at home and at school to shift your emphasis away from your own needs and toward the needs of others.

● Learn to utilize adjectives like "acceptable" and "good," as striving for "perfection" may prevent you from making any progress.

Be kind to yourself.

When all you can think about is the possibility of failing the exam, it's easy to become worried.

When you're too hard on yourself, stress creeps into your life. So take it easy and take a rest. It's time to be kind to yourself.

According to studies, self-compassion lowers stress levels and enhances overall well-being.

Small adjustments in your daily routine can help you feel more confident and less concerned before your tests.

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